PET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET Pig

PET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET Pig PET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET Pig
PET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET Pig PET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET Pig
PET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET PigPET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET PigPET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET PigPET Shipping System for Double-Ended PET Pig
Double-Ended PET Pig accommodates 5cc syringe and fits into its own compact shipping container.


The Double-Ended PET Pig is an all-in-one solution for the safe transport and administration of 511 keV radionuclides, such as FDG F-18. The pig is constructed in three sections of .6" (1.5 cm) lead enclosed in durable Lexan. Depending on the stage of the injection process, only one section of the pig is removed. The injection itself is accomplished without removing the syringe from the pig. Simply open the administration port and push the tungsten plunger against the syringe plunger. During injection the pig is positioned on a stand. The Double-Ended Pig accommodates a 5 cc syringe and fits into its own compact shipping container. The system employs a unique design that decreases the weight and size of the container.

Here's how it works:

  1. Remove the Double-Ended Pig from the compact shipping container. (See dia. A.)
  2. Place behind an L-Block Shield.
  3. Unscrew the top. (See dia. B.)
  4. Remove the syringe and place into a dose calibrator. (See dia. C.)
  5. Return the syringe to the pig and put the top back on. (See dia. D.)
  6. Transport the pig to the patient injection area. (See dia. E.)
  7. Place the pig into the Pig Cradle so the top section of the pig is over the long section of the cradle.
    (See dia. F.)
  8. Remove the bottom of the pig and connect to your preferred injection device, butterfly, etc. (See dia. G.)
  9. Open the plunger lock located on the top section by pulling the slide toward the edge of the
    pig. With a pen-like device, push the tungsten plunger to administer the dose. (See dia. G.)
  10. Recap the syringe.
  11. Put the bottom back on the pig.
  12. Return the pig to the compact shipping container. (See dia. H.)


001-793 Double-Ended PET Pig

  • Dimensions:
    - 9.5" h x 2.3" dia at maximum point (24 x 5.8 cm)
  • Shielding:
    - Sides: .6" thick (1.5 cm) lead
    - Bottom: 1.44" thick (3.7 cm) lead
    - Top: .875" thick (2.2 cm) tungsten
  • Weight: 9 lb (4 kg)

001-794 PET Shipping System, Double-Ended Pig

  • Dimensions:
    - Container: 11.75" l x 11.75" w x 12.5" h (29.8 x 29.8 x 31.8 cm)
    - Cubic Feet: ~1 cu ft (0.3 cu meters)
  • Weight: 36 lb (16.3 kg)


Models and Ordering

To order, call +45 32 50 66 10


Shipping System, PET, Double-Ended Pig, SingleIncludes one 001-793 Double-Ended PET Pig and Shipping Container with lead.?



Pig, Double-Ended, PET, .6" lead
Accommodates 5 cc syringes with or without needle.??


001-797 Pig Cradle
Accommodates 001-793.??
001-771 Sheets, Absorbent, 100/pkg
001-721 Document Protector, 100/pkg