Syringe & Vial Shields

Tungsten Syringe Shields
This category of syringe shields includes the Pro-Tec® II and III, the most popular of the Biodex line. Tungsten is lightweight for comfortable handling; shields are available with or without lead glass for content viewing.
Lead Glass Syringe Shields
Full visibility syringe shields, ranging from high-density to color-coded, dose drawing to administering Myoview and Quadramet.
PET Syringe Shields
Biodex syringe shields designed for high-energy radionuclides such as FDG F-18
Pigs and Accessories
Biodex unit dose pigs for safe handling of radionuclides as well as pig holders, racks and shipping bags.
Syringe Shields Safety and Handling
Carriers and holders for safe handling of syringe shields… designed by Biodex.
Vial Shields
An assortment of Biodex vial shields designed to aid in preparations of radiopharmaceuticals while minimizing exposure, ranging from lead glass and tungsten to color coded.
Beta Syringe and Vial Shields
Constructed of clear plastic that attenuates Beta emission and errant bremsstrahlung.
Injection accessories for patient comfort and optimum administration.
Sharps Container Shields
Safe handling of syringe waste in a variety of functional styles.
Shipping Systems
Biodex renowned Shipping Systems for one, two or three pigs or vial shields; for Intego, PET, Bexxar, Zevalin or I-131 Sodium Iodine.